Just Ask Layla

AI Trip Planner
07 Mar 2023
Startup Ideas AI

Your Personal AI Trip Planner

Discover and plan personalised itinerary to have the perfect trip.

Simplify your travel using our trip planner AI

Meet Layla, your ultimate AI travel sidekick. Ask her anything you need to know about your planning your vacation, from dreamy destinations to idyllic stays, flights and road trips. askLAYLA will change the way you plan your trips. Forget juggling a million tabs and apps, this is the only AI trip planner you will need. Chat with Layla for personalized destination ideas and get excited for what’s in store with the inspiring video content from creators you’ll love. Then use your customized itinerary to create a travel plan that will make the most of those precious vacation days.

Startup Ideas AI

25 Jul 2024
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