RebeccAi is an AI-powered business idea evaluation and validation tool. It uses AI technology to revolutionize the process of evaluating and improving business ideas. With RebeccAi, users can assess the viability of their ideas and create compelling business plans in seconds.21 Jun 2023Readmore -
AI Business Plan Generator
AI Business Plan Generator is a website that utilizes GPT-3, an AI-powered language model, to generate comprehensive business plans for startups. Users can select their industry and product type to create a customized business plan.22 May 2023Readmore -
Business plan
18 Mar 2024Readmore -
Business plan
Your plan covers everything from potential business models, marketing ideas, target audiences, and more. All tailored specifically to your business, using AI.26 Nov 2023Readmore -
Business idea
startnew.app is a platform that helps users generate business ideas, create marketing strategies, and develop sales plans for their new ventures. It offers a free idea generator, marketing strategy generator, and business plan creation tool.20 Feb 2024Readmore