Telling the difference between human and AI-generated text is becoming increasingly difficult, so GPTZero is one of the most popular platform for sniffing out AI-generated content. It's accurate and easy to integrate with top learning and content platforms.
This classification model is trained on a corpus of human-written and AI-generated text to reliably predict artificial intelligence use in content.
- GPTZero works effectively with major AI language models, including GPT-2, GPT-3, GPT-4, and LLaMA.
- GPTZero is like having a truffle pig for AI-generated text. It sniffs out sentences, paragraphs, and documents with suspiciously high levels of artificial intelligence within content marketing sites—and delivers detailed breakdowns of each find.
- It's like Sherlock Holmes for AI-generated content, helping you uncover the truth in any sentence.
Probably the most accurate AI detector across use-cases, constantly improving technology, and uniquely attuned to student writing and academic prose.

Preserve your content's integrity with GPTKit. Find the genuine human-crafted prose among the mechanical chitchat. This clever AI text detection tool does more than just identify machine-generated text; it gets you vital insights into your written content's authenticity and reality.
If you outsource your content marketing or you're an editor for a publication, you need this.
- Free for the first 1024 characters. You can also share paid credits with others by creating a team.
- The developers claim an accuracy rate of approximately 93% and dedication to improving detection capabilities.
- Employs six different AI-based content detection techniques for unparalleled accuracy
- Detailed authenticity and reality reports to help you separate fact from fiction
- Suitable for a wide range of users, from teachers to freelancers
- Note that it only works in English for now.

AI Detector Pro is a handy free tool from Content At Scale that mitigates the risk of being penalized by Google for using AI-generated content. By pasting or writing your content into the detector, you'll know within seconds if it's written by AI or sounds more human. The Chat GPT detector goes deeper than a generic AI classifier to detect robotic-sounding content.
What sets Content At Scale's AI content checker apart is its high accuracy, training on billions of individual pages of data and words. It can forecast if your content is AI-generated or humanly-optimized. As AI-generated text becomes more common, this free AI checker is one of the only tools that can accurately detect word strings and text created by ChatGPT and other AI generators.
Content At Scale uses a proprietary content platform, designed by an entrepreneur with 15 years of experience in SEO and content marketing.
This AI detector is capable of analyzing and finding content generated by ChatGPT or any AI text generator. AI detection is becoming increasingly important so protect yourself and your content by knowing if it passes the bot versus human test.
Works well with Hix
Alternatives: Originality ai, Winston ai