GradeEvaluate is an early start-up that focuses on monetizing specific data and artificial intelligence (AI) which requires investments for development, collection, and maintenance. Before listing products on our site, we thoroughly assess and grade them to ensure their performance and accurately described data.
03 Jun 2023Readmore -
23 Nov 2023Readmore
Decode Investing is a platform that allows users to discover wonderful businesses and great investment ideas. It provides valuable information and insights for investors looking to make informed decisions.25 Aug 2023Readmore
PortfolioPilot is the most advanced portfolio tracker in the world. It is a powerful tool designed to help individuals and professionals effectively track and manage their investment portfolios.27 May 2023Readmore
Candlestick is an AI-powered stock picking platform that aims to help regular people beat the stock market. It offers weekly AI stock picks based on advanced AI models that outperform the market. Subscribers can customize their model, view news about their picks, and participate in investing competitions.22 May 2023Readmore
Intelliwebi is a startup pitch consultant software that applies AI technology to provide feedback for your startup pitch, helping you raise funds and make a deep impression on investors.16 Nov 2023Readmore
Zumma Financial is a platform that provides personal finance and investment tools to help individuals save, invest, and achieve their financial goals. It utilizes AI technology to offer personalized recommendations, advice, and rewards based on the user's financial situation.15 Jun 2023Readmore
Kniru is a mobile application that lets you completely manage your personal finances using AI. Kniru sends you precise, personalized, actionable insights and answers all your financial questions (Investment, Tax, Retirement, Spend, etc) using a Chat interface.16 Oct 2023Readmore
A monthly stock recommendation service providing two recommendations a month using machine learning.17 Mar 2024Readmore
Domainchamp is a platform that helps users discover the best expiring domains. It scans thousands of domain auctions daily and selects the top ones based on SEO and appraisal value.16 Aug 2023Readmore
Morpher AI is integrated into the Morpher trading platform and allows users to get real-time market analysis for any of the markets traded on Morpher: cryptocurrency, stocks, commodities, Forex, and more.22 Jan 2024Readmore